• Protection of fundamental rights
• Affirming the principles of the rule of law
• Advocacy of legal security in society
• Unification of judicial practice
• Preparation of projects for legislative changes
• Initiating proceedings at local and supranational levels

  „Le droit, ce n'est pas la loi” /„The Right is not the Law”/
  associate professor Kristian Takov /in Bulgarian/
   With a number of normative acts, archaisms have been preserved or obligations have been created for the participants in various legal proceedings, while at the same time their Constitutional rights are severely limited, in the service of corporate or other private interests, which leads to legal uncertainty in society.
     In these conditions, while protecting the legal rights of many of our clients, we have established unprincipledness in a number of court proceedings - issuance of vicious and/or unmotivated legal acts, illegal forced execution, non-functioning bodies or institutions that have abdicated their duties, etc.
    We have accepted these facts as a challenge and met them with an unwavering desire to protect basic human rights and affirm the principles of the rule of law, and more than once the effect of our actions in a proceeding has led to positive changes for an unlimited number of people.
   Given the fact that in our work we are guided only by the law and are not afraid to openly express our civil positions, we encounter more and more problems and face dysfunctional administrations.
     The highest goods in our society, proclaimed in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and a number of ratified international acts, are not an irrevocable given, but are the result of an uncompromising drive to enforce the principles of the rule of law, guided entirely by the consciousness of independence and justice.
Lalev Law Office © 2013
Related pages:        Nikolay Lalev - Attorney-at-Law © 2019